Relative pronouns

Relative pronouns are words which link up a sentence with an extra snippet of information. Relative pronouns When you include an extra phrase with a relative pronoun in it, it’s called a relative clause. Examples of relative pronoun use I went into the new...


Verbs are used to describe an action. Verb tense and type The sentence you use determines the verb tense. For example, if you’re talking about: Deciding which tense to use Decides tense Tense to use Something that is happening right now or happens all the time...

Verbs: reflexive verbs

‘Reflexive’ verbs are verbs like ‘I wash myself’ or ‘I dress myself’ where you have to include ‘myself’ to show that the person doing the action is doing it to themselves. Reflexive verbs A lot of reflexive verbs are related to your daily routine (eg...

Verbs: modal

Modal verbs are verbs associated with possibility or necessity. Modal verbs Examples of modal verbs include: ‘can’, ‘should’ and ‘want’. You almost always have to combine them with another verb to show what you can/should/want to...